Our Story
When we met at Procter & Gamble years ago, we’d spend countless hours coming up with ideas for new products/businesses. And, after a while we realized what we had were… well, lots of ideas.
This realization started us on a quest – to figure out how to best turn a great idea into a successful business. This quest would start as “intrapreneurs” working on the P&G “frontiers” of China and pharmaceuticals. It would continue as entrepreneurs with the co-founding of several businesses, including TeamSnap and Frehner-Jens.
Through these experiences, we noticed something interesting. Big companies were good at structured planning to define how to build a big business, but struggled to learn and adapt after launch based on in-market learnings. Entrepreneurs were good at learning and adapting in market, but – because the plan wasn’t detailed enough to drive clarity on which elements where the most impactful to building a big business – their learning and adapting was scattershot and not focused on what mattered most. This led us to wonder, could we bring together the strengths of both approaches? Was there a better way?
And, so we got to work on this better way to turn an idea into a business. A way that focuses fast-cycle learning and adapting on the things that matter most to building a big business. A way that works within big company processes and for start-ups. A way we call Fast-Forward®.